Friday 16 September 2011

Hobby's Birthday

Last week I traveled up to visit and spend a few days with one of my best friends who I met at camp last year. She lives up in the peak district, so basically in the middle of no where . It is absolutely stunning there and a great little drive . On the way up you have to zig zag your way through the countryside and it was a beautiful sunny day so I had to stop and take some pictures.

I absolutely LOVE the countryside, it instantly makes me happy and makes me feel at home. If I move away I think it's one of the things I'll miss the most.

So I finally arrived at Amy's and as soon as I walked into her house something smelt amazingly good! She had only gone and cooked me bangers and mash for dinner! (sausage and mashed potato for anyone who isnt in the know) My all time favourite meal ! Its so simple but so so good. I've only in the last year started to like gravy, safe to say I've have been missing out for years, I'm still not overly comfortable with having it on my plate but I'm sure I'll soon have my food swimming in it. Amy's parents are so nice, as soon as you walk in their house you instantly feel welcomed and relaxed. Amy's dad always says 'If I like you, I'll make jokes about you' so going on that, it looks like I'm in :)


I had booked Amy and I a day in a spa the following day, so after food we left and drove to the hotel. It was quite late when we got there so we jumped straight into our pyjamers got into bed and watched Miss Congeniality. That film never gets old. I had bought face masks too thinking it would be fun to put them on while we watched a film. How wrong I was. They stunk so bad! They were meant to be chocolate ones, now I've eaten a lot of chocolate in my life and I can safely say I have never had any that smelt like that. I was ready to take it off as soon as i put it on. Still we found a use for them we ended up having a fight with them so the smelly stuff got everywhere, we didn't really think it through first because then for the rest of our stay the room stunk of the gross chocolate.

The price you pay for beauty.
The next morning we went over the road to a Frankie and Benny's for breakfast and I had a lush sausage and bacon roll. But they used American bacon, WHY!?! It doesn't have any meat on it, its just stringy bits of fat grr. It all went down the same way though gobble gobble :)

We got to the spa, had to sign a few forms, got a guided tour and issued our robes and slippers :)

When I think of a spa day I think of laying by the pool going in the jacuzzi, sauna and steam room. I should have know that wouldn't be the case when Amy's eyes lit up when she saw the gym. Amy plays for Loughbrough University 1st ladies hockey team. Loughbrough is one of the top 3 Universities in the whole of the UK for sport. In order to get accepted into the uni you have to play sport at an extremely high standard like internationally. So that might give you some sort of idea of how sporty and active Amy is. We were in the gym for 3 whole hours! Amy was proper going for it while I was pedaling at a 'slow but steady' pace on the bike making the most of the games you could play on the TV. I just like to play around in the gym which I know is dangerous, but come on some of them machines are funny! I found a really good ab one that almost bent you in half, so I played on that for a while . The ones that work your thighs should be called weapons of torture! But I think my favourite one I found was the power plate. This I think is what clarified in Amy's head that she will never go back to the gym with me . I had heard about them before and how good they were, so I jumped straight on and pressed auto start. EVERYTHING vibrates, even my eyeballs were shaking, I couldn't see a thing! I started laughing at one stage, and I don't have the quietest of laughs anyway add that to the fact I laugh more at inappropriate times and when I know I shouldn't be laughing . My belly laugh had come out, everyone in the gym was looking and Amy was stood there hanging her head in shame.
        Moral of the day: Never go to a gym with me!

After that it was finally time for our treatments, we could choose from a back, neck and shoulder massage or a facial massage with a neck shoulder and scalp massage in it. We both choose the facial. We had a partner treatment room so the lady's who were doing our treatments left us to get ready and lay on the beds and then came in when we were ready. Neither Amy or I have had anything like this before so we didn't exactly know how to lie or to lie over or under the towels. We eventually decided on underneath the towels and face up, turns out we were right :) The treatment was 45 minutes long, but it went so quick. The lady's asked us about our skin first and what kind of problems we had with it, from acne to black circles under our eyes. Then they adapted the facial and creams they would use to that. I was clever and said I had a whole load of problems so I had lots of creams put on me while Amy only had 1 or 2. It was really relaxing and the neck shoulder and scalp massage was lovely. I think I should have just chosen the massage though.

After our treatments we went down to the jacuzzi, steam room and sauna. I dont know why but there is something off putting about getting in a jacuzzi full on old men. So when we walked towards it and saw that we quickly diverted to the steam room. When we saw the jacuzzi empty we seized our opportunity and took over it. We did a few lengths in the pool before going back to the changing rooms to go home . It was a really nice day and gave Amy and I loads of time to gossip and chat to catch up on the 6 months we hadn't seen each other.

That night England were playing Wales in football. So we found a local pub that was showing the game, went back to the hotel to shower and change before going there to eat and watch the match. We both ended up falling asleep and so ended up getting to the pub at half time. I absolutely love pub lunches. I think pub food is sooo good. We both ordered burgers and because I hadn't had one is so long I was really excited. The burger was gross. Me and Amy ended up leaving most of it = gutted! But what can you expect for 2 for £8. After the match there was a live band. A group of 4 boys played a 20/30 minute set. They were actually pretty good, we were both kinda scared to begin with because they looked like they were going to play hard core rock stuff, but they played some of their own songs and then one or two that I actually recognized. We ended up walking back to the hotel which took us about a hour, then had a mass jumping on the bed session. We were trying to take pictures of us flying in the air, but failed miserably. We got a few funny ones though.

The next morning we had a lovely lie in, packed everything up and went to meet Amy's mum. The drive back home was okay, I dont like driving long distances I get bored really easily, but Radio 1 kept me company and I had a great sing along. Hopefully next time I wont have to wait so long to see Amy.

Flossy x

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