Monday 25 July 2011

Gone to soon

These last few days have been full of sad news. While I was out on Saturday I heard the news that Amy Winehouse had passed away. I wouldn't say I was her biggest fan in the world but I loved her songs. She had one of the most interesting/unique and soulful voices I've ever heard. It's sad that drugs and alcohol had taken that much control over her life. There are so many groups on Facebook making jokes about her death, and saying how it was inevitable. But people don't quite realise how bad addiction is. I'm sure if you had asked her, she would of done anything to have been clean. But its not that easy. I've seen first hand on placement just what drugs do to people and the extremes people will go to to get their next 'hit'. Its such a loss of raw natural talent, and a shame we'll never get to hear more of her amazing songs.

The other shocking news is about the attack in Norway. 76 people were murdered by a man who decided to go on a killing spree as a way of demonstrating his anger against the apparent 'muslim takeover over Europe'. The story is horrible and unreal that someone is able of doing such a inhumane act. He even dressed as  a policeman so that he could lure the children into a false sense of safety by going to him for help, before turning on them and killing them from point blank range.

Such a waste of so many lives. My heart goes out to all the family's and friends of the victims.

Flossy x

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