Saturday 7 January 2012


Happy New Year!!

For New Years Eve me and a big group of  friends went on a pub crawl and played pub golf. Every pub you go to has a delegated drink and a par that goes with it, so if the pub is a par two you have to drink that drink in 2. At the end of the night everyone totals up their points to see who the winner is. However normally everyone is too drunk to remember what they did let alone their par. I didn't drink, I just watched it all, and had a good laugh at everyone. It was fancy dress as-well, so everyone had to dress up as golfers. There was checked and stripped clothing everywhere not forgetting the good old sleeveless jumpers and polo shirts. I managed to find a polo shirt and was amazed when I managed to fit into an aged 11-12 boys top!

The course got the better of a few of my friends and they were tucked up in bed sleeping before midnight. I came home before midnight and had a chinese with my brother and his girlfriend and watched the London fireworks on the telly. They were so good! I would love to have been there to watch them, maybe one year who knows.

The big thing about the new year is new years resolutions, something which I have never been good at. All the ones I have tried in the past I have failed miserably at. So this year I set myself realistic ones and ones which I will really enjoy doing.

  1. Graduate and become a fully qualified Paramedic.
  2. Keep the weight off that I have lost.
  3. Work out at least twice a week.
  4. Spend as much time as possible with friends and family. 
  5. Be as happy as I am right now this time next year.

I might struggle with number 5 for a few days now, seen as I have an essay to write. But it's the only way I'm going to achieve number 1 so I'm just going to get on with it. Also if I get as much of my work for the whole year done as soon as I can, it means the next time Mike comes over I can spend more time with him. Hopefully his next visit wont be too long away at all, but he is busy and has a lot going on so who knows. Just got to keep my fingers crossed. 

Flossy x

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