Friday 20 May 2011

No pain no gain.

Oh my, I did a killer workout this morning, I'm going to be sore tomorrow. But surprisingly, I really enjoyed it, and I only stopped a few times throughout it. If anyone had seen me through my window they would of found it hysterical, me jumping around the living room doing all these crazy moves. The annoying thing with the dvd is the mega fit people they have in the background doing it along with the main guy, they always show close ups of all the girls with amazing abs with perfect hair and no sweat then there's me with my hair going whatever direction it fancies and a face so red it doesn't even look real. As you can tell I look good when I work out :s On the positive side the good thing about doing working out is that you can have a good hearty meal after it, I treated myself with the mother of all jacket potatoes, with ham and cheese.

I had my last University lecture yesterday until July! I am so close to finishing my first year its scary. In basically a year I will have to make all the decisions and be solely responsible for my patients. I do not feel ready for that, I'm sure next year will change that though when I learn things like cannulation, intubation and ALS.

I started learning different strumming patterns on my guitar, mainly so I don't have to go through the pain of pushing on the strings. I am enjoying it, it's a lot harder than I thought it would be though. But it's not like I'm in a rush to learn, slow and steady wins the race.

I'm off out tomorrow night with some of the girls from my course, I cant wait. I haven't been out since the start of December. I've got my outfit all ready and all packed. We're all sleeping over one of the girls houses after too. I haven't had a sleepover in so long they make me feel like a 12 year old again.
 I always used to have sleepovers for my birthday, about 6 -8 girls would come over. We always used to play  murder in the dark and play caterpillar. Once we made a huge ghost train around my house, and took it in turn to drag each other around on a sleeping bag and then others would jump out of random places and try scare us. I miss being young, not having any worries, when things were simple waking up at 7am on Saturday going out to play all day and only going back home for food and when it got dark.

I had one of the best childhoods possible, I grew up with another 2 families so there was 2 girls and 4 boys. We did everything together, from water fights, building dens to playing massive games of man hunt. As much as I want to be young again I would never want to be 17 or 18 again. I hated those years, apart from my 2 holidays in Magalluf. When I was 19-20 I was just down in the dumps I had dropped out of uni and didn't know what to do with my life so I just got miserable and ate. Boy did I eat! I got quite big too. Until I randomly applied for camp one night and then everything changed. I met Amy who is now one of my best friends, and I met Mike. Add that to the fact I'm now on a course which I absolutely love I can finally say I'm happy. There is always going to be a few things I would like to be different in my life, but there's no point getting upset over them, I've just got to try find positives in them, and only worry about the things I can control :) (one of the best pieces of advice I've ever received)

My brother is entering a power lifting competition on Sunday so I have to get up at 8am to be there on time. Could be very interesting! But it's his first one and I wouldn't miss it for the world. I hope he does well. He's had to try and loose 2kg in order to try and make a lower weight group so he doesn't have to compete against the big big boys. So fingers crossed he makes it.

I've got to get a nice early night so I look fresh and ready for tomorrow night. I've told myself I'm not going to get food at the end of the night but we'll see how that one turns out.

Flossy x

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