Sunday 22 May 2011

Oh so Proud!

I'm so proud of my brother! Today he had his first ever power-lifting competition, and he came third in his weight category. All the other competitors had special kit to help them, like knee straps and special weight lifting suits, which made them bend into funny positions. Sam had nothing and he did so well! He made me video his lifts so he could watch them back and improve on his technique, so I looked like a right pervy pete standing there videoing him.

The competition was made up of 3 lifts:

The dead-lift - Where you basically bend down and pick up a weight to your thigh.
The squat - The weight is on your shoulders and you bend your knees until your low to the ground and then push up back to full height.
And finally the bench press - Where you lie on your back and using your arms, lower a weight onto your chest and then push it back upwards to lock out your arms.

He managed to get a personal best in his last dead-lift attempt too, so it was a really successful day for him. All of my family went and also Sam's girlfriend's whole family came too which was lovely of them. He had a lot of support.

Thing is now he's set himself a high standard for his next competition he has to come second or first.

Here he is showing off his trophy

My night out was really good. I miss going out with the girlies. I was so excited I was ready to go by 3, and I wasn't meant to be at my friends until 6! So I sat on my sofa and twiddeled my fingers. I even managed to do the hairstyle I wanted, but I'm so gutted in pictures it looks so bad. My hair just looks flat and slicked back when in real life it had a bit of volume and looked okay. So safe to say I wont be doing that again. I'll have to find another hairstyle for next time. I've been removing tags on Facebook like there is no tomorrow.
 Before we left my friends house she asked one of us to look after her house key as she didn't have a zip compartment in her bag to keep it safe. So one of my friends volunteered herself stating that she was and I quote ' the most responsible'. So around 12 o'clock we we're all sat in a bar because we had all managed to get split up so it was our meeting point. And when my friend asked for her key, my 'responisble' friend couldn't find it anywhere. Queue crying, freaking out and lots of panicking!
I was on the case though, I got straight on the internet on my phone and looked for 24 hour locksmiths who could come and help us get into the house. After ringing a few wrong numbers I managed to get hold of one, and he agreed to help us and meet us back at the house.
So after calming down the girls we walked to our lift in the pouring rain, I had a plastic bag over my head to avoid having a afro. I'm a classy girl I know. When we got back to the house, the man was there waiting for us, so set about trying to break the lock, after about 30 minutes we managed to get into the house and the warmth!
This morning, we were all sitting on the sofa talking when our 'responisble' friend, chirped up ''Girls...Girls, you'll never guess what I just found'' and with that she pulled out the key from her clothes. She must of put it in her bra  half way through the night thinking it was a safer place than in her bag and forgotten about it.
So after spending 90 pound to call a locksmith out, break into the house and change the locks, she found the key!
Well at least we'll always remember the night out.

Flossy x

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