Tuesday 24 May 2011

Today I don't feel like doing anything!

I'm not going to be going out for a while. I ended up going out in Cardiff last night with my old roommates from my first year in UWIC. It was so nice to see them, I haven't seen some of them in about a year. They have all recently finished their final exams which is scary cause I could of just finished my course if I hadnt of dropped out. But I don't regret my decision. So I went round the girls house and got ready with them, ended going out about 11:30 and then when I was out I met the 2 boys I used to live with. They are like brothers to me, I had the best times with them. I know I can rely 100%,  if I was ever upset or needed something they would do anything they could to help. I trust them with my life. I had a really nice night with everyone, was lovely seeing other friends too who I hadn't seen in even longer. I had a few compliments on my weight loss too which made me happy. Its nice knowing it yourself but when other people tell you it just makes all the hard work and turning down food worth it. So today I had a proper lazy day, I ate everything possible, which I'm going to regret when I get on the scales tomorrow. I lay in bed for most of the day and watched TV. I watched Take Him To The Greek with Russel Brand. It was so bad. I am really not a fan of him, which is weird cause I love his wife! I find him just too over the top and fake.

Mike's family is in Florida all this week for a family holiday, talk about jealous! They are doing all these cool things like today he went deep sea fishing!! I want to go a on holiday so bad, I just don't have any time when I could go on this course. Its already been 2 weeks since he went home, it has gone quite quick but then again it hasn't. I still have good and bad days when I miss him lots. But we're doing the best we can in the situation and we're both talking to each other about any worries we have so thats good. We each sort of take it in turns to cheer the other one up, but thats what you do, be there for the other person when they need you. 

I'm sooo excited to go and see The Hangover 2. I loved the first one, I laughed all the way through. Its out next week some so I am there! 

Today I tried to sell some of my dress's on eBay. I have like 20 dresses that I wore a few years ago, and they have just been taking up space in one of my wardrobes so I guessed I may as well sell them if I can. But its so much more complicated than I thought it would be, it takes so long to post each one up. So far I have one dress up. I'm hoping to sell them for about £15 each, so I should get a descent amount of money if my plan works.

I'm going to do a trial run tomorrow morning driving to my ambulance station so that I know exactly when to leave and how to get there. I'm starting to get super nervous, I'm not looking forward to working all the weird hours but thats part of the job, so I've got to embrace it.

Flossy x

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